So after a lovely little fiasco involving the sun and two days off nursing said fiasco, I am up and running (albiet a little itchy), and rarin' to go. Only two days to the weekend and boy-oh-boy am I excited. OH! And tonight is Project Runway, so now I'm doubly excited. AND I rented
The Libertine, so I'm tripley excited. OOOOOHHHHH...and I have bal-swing tonight...so naturally I'm more ecstatic about that than anything, so booya.
I have nothing to report really. More stuff on the outside than on the inside right now. Scary, eh? I will say that the new The Killers single is awesome. It might be about me. I'm not confirming or denying at this point, but it might be.
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman like you imagined it when you were young.PS. No air again this week...bring a fan.
i am glad you had an exciting day today.
the no air thing is getting to be a wee bit ridiculous....
You will have to let me know how you rate the movie. I wouldn't mind renting that one myself.
I hope you feel better outside and inside. Having a sunburn is not fun but you did look fabulous at bal swing. :)