one classy broad
How Many Have You Had So Far...?
Best wedding reception ever. I believe it was Christy who said, "It was the wedding reception that all other wedding receptions strive to be." Amen, sister. Amen.

About halfway through the reception, things were beginning to get a tad on the stagnant side for me, so I believe I said, "Screw it," and kicked my own ass up to the dance floor and boogied the rest of the night away. I have never closed out a wedding reception before in my life. Never. Last night was a night of firsts for me. I won't mention all of them...but I will say one of them involved getting smacked in the bum by a certian likable asshole who then yelled, "Shake it, Becki, shake it." Good Lord there were so many drunk kids there last night. I about turned around and took his head off, but I decided against it for reasons that need not be gone into.

And now for something completely different, I got stung by a bee on the bottom of my foot today. I was getting clothes out of the dryer and stepped right on a dead bee. It still had it's stinger on it and dangit, it hurt like crap. I'm okay though. I still managed to dance the day away with no further insult to injury.

Woo. I need to update more.
Blogger SuzieQ said...
I agree it was quite the frickin awesome wedding reception. I was always too little to have fun...but now it was soo much fun. How long did it go until??

Blogger Becky said...
i had a lot of fun too. i wish i had stayed later, but oh well. i am glad you and Suzie had fun too.

sorry about your foot, though. You didn't let it ruin your day, which is really good!

Blogger Beckstraordinary said...
11:30. I was in bed by 12:30 after taking Holly home and having fun in the car with Kristin.