So, I was supposed to go to the big birthday bash tonight. I did let Jonathan know I needed to study but I'd make it out. Turns out I'm a liar. I started studying and woke up to find myself passed out on my floor (hardwood floor for that matter). I have a crek in my side, but I should be okay. Turns out stocks and bonds are actually as fascenating as they sound. Bah. I feel like poo for missing out. I'm so illegal. When I discovered the time, I decided to eff it and take a shower (it was about 2130). I finshed up a lot of studying tonight and still have plenty more to do tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday. This weekend is going to suck. I'm a wee bit behind and have to have my homework done for Monday and I have my first progress test on Wednesday. Iiiieeee.

My magnetic Superman is pointing toward the ground. Harry Connick Jr. is singing "Don't Fence Me In" on my iTunes. My bed is still sans sheets. One of these days I'll get them cleaned and back on my bed. I bought the new The Ditty Bops cd today. There's a song on it that I tried the Big Apple to, fits like a glove. I lurve it. I had an idea for a painting today. We'll see if it sticks enough to do it. It's already June. Dear goodness gracious. Where did the first half of this year go? Crazy.
I got new dancing shoes while I was in Des Moines. Steve Maddens even. I haven't had luck with dancing in Steve Maddens in the past, which is a shame because he designs some pretty cute shoes. There was an entire store in the Des Moines mall, and I got me a real nice pair of SOLID GOLD (more or less because of the color, they're not actually sold gold) loafers with leather bottoms and nice, solid, noise-making, shoe-stomping heels. Yay! I've danced in them a couple times now and I'm terribly in love with them. I've been ribbed for them from a few folks, but the concensus seems to be positive for the most part. Which of course validates the narcissistic streak I try to hide. HA!
Speaking of Des Moines. I am truely greatful for the scene I'm a part of. I am so thankful for all you crazies. Hee-hee!