The gals came over tonight and we watched Swingers. I love that movie. I'd forgot just how much until I saw it tonight. I think it'd been about three years. Last time I saw it I was still working at Lane Bryant.

Vince Vaughn is such an ass in the movie. I love it. I keep saying I need to find my own personal Vince Vaughn. I found a guy who looks like him, but if I ever see him again...well, that's the mistake of the month. I always think back to moments I should have tried to be more brazen, but I'm like a bear who knows I have fangs and sees my claws and just has no idea how to rip the bunny apart.
The scene between John Favreau and Heather Graham...priceless. I have a feeling that I've had a moment or two like that in my life, but I don't act on it because the moment is never as clear cut as that. Guh. One of the top twenty-five scenes in a movie. I'm collecting them. I should start writing those down.