So, if I was ever going to make a comedy movie and make the attempt to put a big star in it (
big being relative, not the point), I'd court Bonnie Hunt like the dickens. That woman never fails to amuse/amaze me. Gah. Part of it is that she's a homegirl (
Illinois, represent!), part of it is that she's so damn awesome.

Unfortunately, I had to download the entire
Cars album from iTunes to get John Mayer's version of Route 66 (
woo! totally dancable!), but at least I got a few doo-wop songs that'll be nice for Friday nights. We don't play nearly enough doo-wop on Friday nights. I shall make it my mission to remedy that. I want to walk away from dancing feeling like I just walked out of American Graffiti (
guh, love that movie).
It's movie month. Happens from time to time. Tomorrow though, I shall forgo the movies to be privy to
Shakespeare In The Park's version of Taming Of The Shrew. Love that one! So funny. If anyone wants to join me, you know how to get in contact, do so. Word.