So, I'm having the craziest time. It always gets like this around party seasons. I have had four places to be every day this week at the same time and yesterday forsook all of them to go party shopping with my sister because we were in dire need of a few things. Shopping is by no means finished this week. There's still the matter of ice cold beverages and frosty mugs to worry about. So here's the announcement: if you want alcohol, bring it. We'll be providing water and rootbeer because that's what the budget says we're providing...aside from the ice cream for the rootbeer, oyster crackers, hot sauce, milk (just in case) and cheese. If you see anything missing or that you want that's not on the list, don't hesitate to bring it. It's a party.

Oh, and a warning to all you out there who expect to find someone your own age: Not if I take him first. No real dedication on that one, but I thought I'd point it out since I'm having fun playing around with a 20 year old. It's spring, gotta have a little fun, no?
Yarr. My hair is playing Bridget Fonda circa
Point Of No Return minus the bangs with me right now. It should probably cut it out. Stupid blowdryer.