So I had intended to enjoy my first Saturday off in a year and a half. However, my mother woke up with other plans. It's difficult sometimes, deciding who the queen bee is in the house. I own the house. She's my mother. I'm more or less the breadwinner anymore. She's my mother. I clean my house. She's my mother. At times I have to decide between loyalty and headaches...
Don't get me wrong. I love my mother. It was just annoying. On to other things.
I've been drawing every night before bed. I'd share my doodles with you, but it would mean that I'd have to get out the camera and focus on taking all the pictures in the world so one or two of them would look like the actual doodle. I need a scanner. I have to decide where to place that on my list of priorities.
It's Easter. About now I'd normally get all ooey gooey about Jesus and being thankful and many other things, but today I'm just gonna say:

Bunnies. Bunnies for everyone.
There, that sounds so much more pleasant!! :)