There are few things I love more in the world more than new paper. I bought a sketchbook this weekend and have already started plastering it with doodles. I have a hard time getting serious about art anymore, but I can doodle till the cows come home. It's nothing impressive, but it's a start. I always spend my time thinking that maybe I'll move on to something bigger if I start out with the doodles. Maybe they'll become something better, something more, something worthy of snapping me into action.

I don't know what it is about all that. I'm not the starving artist type, so maybe that's why I'm so unmotivated to fill an entire canvas unless it's abstract. Maybe that's why I'm more inclined to play around with my ballpoint pen than to get out the markers or the brushes or even the colored pencils.
Then again, my life does tend to move in three month winds, so maybe it'll be a while longer before I'm motivated to do anything impressive again.
PS. Bought a lottery ticket with my own money for the first time. Maybe that's good luck.
PPS. Monty Python & The Holy Grail on Friday night @ midnight - be there or be square!