O'the afternoon to ya!

Happy St. Patrick's Day one and all.
So, good news? I got downtime at work and went to Metro today to do my math and english assessments. It's confirmed, I suck at math, but I'm college level english. Woo. I have a meeting with a counselor on Monday so I can talk to them about Summer classes and what I want to do with all of this nonsense.
Mom and dad are out of town again, so naturally, I'm not telling them a thing until I've registered. Unless they get home and I can't hold it in.
Anyway, I need a new job. I'm *miserable* being a phone monkey. It's not a bad job. It's not bad pay. It's just that I'm subjecting myself to verbal abuse eight hours a day, five days a week. So it's time I do something that would move me on to bigger and better things. We'll see what happens with everything.