So potatoes and tomatoes. It's been a long week. I was out of sorts last night and ended up having a late night because my body was moving
so slow. I handed out the invitations with my sister, and we're more psyched than ever. I still have about three or four invitations, but those all have folks names on them. We made 36, so holy crap, that's a lot of people in my house. Not to mention I have to find some alternate seating for all of them. Floor pillows, here I come.
Lucky me that today was a short day. I came home from work and went to get on my computer, but it wasn't already on, so I turned around and hopped straight into my bed and ended up taking a four hour nap which I oh so needed. So I woke up at 1900 and decided it was time to get a move on things. I went and returned a water filter to Target and ended up buying a Destiny's Child cd - I know, out of character for me. I took it in my car and jammed all the way to Panara and spent some quality time with myself. Dinner was lovely, then I went driving down my two favorite streets in all of Nebraska. Bellevue Blvd. and Dodge Street. Oh yeah. Child of Destiny and me.
I'm still up, so I'm gonna head off to the Dundee theater at 2330 (11:30 pm for all of you unmillitary timers) and see the midnight showing of Mallrats. I'm so excited I can hardly wait. In the meantime I've turned on the jazz station on my radio and I keep getting up and dancing in spurts. All. By. Myself. (don't wanna be all by myself) Hehe. If anyone catches this before midnight and wants to make their way out to meet me there, rock on.

Snootchy bootchies.